Birthday weekend!

Someone's turning 30 on Monday - let the festivities begin!

(Like this photo? Check out the companion photo here.)

Growing pains

My Buddy doll went to a new home yesterday... sad to see him go.


Have a great weekend everyone!


Alphabet 100 update

26 weeks and 2600 sketches later (!), here is the complete upper case set of my Alphabet 100 project. Be sure to follow the progress here!

p.s. Watch for a new print coming to my shop soon.

My first billboard

A recent Pride-flavoured project for Greenpeace Canada, at the corner of Church St. and Carlton St., Toronto.

Pride 2012: Celebrate & Demonstrate

As I mentioned on Friday, here is my design for Pride Toronto's 2012 theme around the festival - at the front of the parade, on volunteer t-shirts, and even on one of the main stage screens! Exciting!

Pride 2012: The moments

Pride 2012: The parade


Happy Canada Day!

In honour of Canada's birthday, Aaron Draplin's "Collected Canada" (view larger version here)
(via Danielle Sayer)